Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Symbolism & Words of Moderation

Welcome all of our perservering readers. We are celebrating the second septenary ( groups of 7) with the last card of the group titled Temperance. or the 14th Arcanum. As we journey toward the source of the keys, we will now need to explain the organization of the keys themselves and our placement. 

As has been discussed in previous posts the arrangement of the trumps for the 2nd level of Hermetic, Alchemical and Gnostic Doctrines should be that of the Golden Dawn and is further elaborated in Dr. Stephan Hoeller's book titled "The Fools Pilgrimage" , which is the inspiration for this site.

The Hermetic axiom "The below reflects that which is above" is well applicable to this Key. Because what is showing on the cards of the 2nd septenary 8-14 are the mediating forces and principles that bring the 1st septenary of the 1-7 keys to the 3rd septenary of matter. so we have the above, middle or soil , and the below or manifestational plane.

On the Home Page http://www.gnostictarotcards.com/, you will see the proper layout for the keys in the 2nd or Doctrinal level of Tarot understanding. The fool is the traveler from the subtle 1st key to the gross or 21st key, or in other words is inherent in each as an ESSENCE.  The starting point for our discussion will be the key of Temperance as it manifests in The World which is previously discussed and easily accessed on www.gnostictarotcards.com/theworld.html

temperance  "self-restraint, moderation," from Anglo-Fr. temperaunce (mid-13c.), from L. temperantia "moderation," from temperans, prp. of temperare "to moderate" (see temper). L. temperantia was used by Cicero to translate Gk. sophrosyne "moderation." In English, temperance was used to render L. continentia or abstinentia, specifically in reference to drinking alcohol and eating; hence by early 1800s it came to mean "abstinence from alcoholic drink."

Taken from Etymology Online.

The word that is indicated on the card is always the first place we need to start in any exegesis of a tarot key. Its english etymology is important but its vital to remember that Tarot keys were not originally in english but that of french, itallian and latin , and to further complicate the issue most of the designers were occultists or members of the alternative tradition, so it can be infered they relate to Hebrew, Greek, Arabic and Egyptian as well as Indian sanskrit and developments of terminology and key ideas from all esoteric traditions.

So,  Greek was sophrosyne , hebrew Histapkut . 
this next excerpt is from wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophrosyne 
These words are very important and because of length of posts we can't elaborate on all of them. But in particular it should be noted that the 14th Arcanum that was referred to by the name of Temperance was related to the Philosophic terms of Plato, considered as an incarnation of Hypatia,which reflects Gnostic ideas of Sophia as Helen of Troy & her lover Simon the Magician.  was related to Heimarne of Pythagoras, purity for the Theology of the Christians in the New Testament. In Hebrew it was the Mitzvot for Eating and later Eating has been the central point in liturgy and the Mass or Eucharist.

Therefore this post starts to reveal the hidden doctrines, principals and ideas behind the words on the keys and etymological considerations. All of which the ancient wisdom traditions would have known extensively.
In Gnosis,
F.L. Cor Meum Lucidum.